ZXUH Method: Property Clearing

Does the energy in your home ever feel heavy or stagnant?

Do you notice a difference if the windows have been closed for a long summer or winter season?

Do you have a lot of people coming and going?

Do you sage regularly, but it doesn’t quite feel like enough?

I have taken everything I have learned about energy and created an amazing method of property clearing. I utilize all of the different modalities I have studied and combined them into one amazing session. In the ZXUH Method of property clearing, I assess and balance the different energy centers of your home. The information I gather allows you to discover patterns within your home that may be keeping you from your best life and ultimate creativity.

Would you believe that I can do this without ever visiting your home? In all of the modalities I’ve learned, I’ve learned that distance “healing” is a real thing. Just like someone can connect to a person and send distance Reiki, I connect and send energy to your home!

The Service:

  • Akashic Property Reading & Report
  • Energetic Assessment of the Home & Property
  • Identification of Energetic “Imprints” Within the Energy Centers of your Home
  • Energy Clearing and Blessing of the Home & Property
  • 60-Minute Zoom Session to Deliver Results and Insights
  • PDF With Tips & Tricks to Maintain the New Energetic State
Angie ZXUH Creator of the ZXUH Method
“Balanced energy is resilient energy. Clearing the energetic clutter in your home can help you achieve and maintain balance for yourself!”
Angie ZXUH

Akashic Reading

I read the “Soul History” of your property to identify its nature and retune the property to homestead status.

Energy Assessment

Once you schedule, I remotely connect to your home/property to assess the different energy centers and identify energy imprints.

Energy Clearing

Once I discover the imprints, I use energy work to clear and balance your home, to return it to a state of neutral. This creates ease.

Angie ZXUH

Creator, The ZXUH Method

I love to do my work in a way that allows me to create individual sessions for the people and places I work with. What I do for your home and property will depend on its energetic state at the time. Is your house filled with teenagers? I can handle it. Has your home been closed up for the winter? I can clear that stagnant energy!

Visualize. Align. Surrender The ZXUH Method

I’d Love to Help!

Let me help clear the energy centers of your home so you can be more creative, connected, and calm. I think you will be amazed at how much you will notice the energy shift in your dwelling! 


what's in my record?
Do you come to my home?
No, the entire session is done entirely remotely. I have a method to connect to the energy of your home (once I have your permission, through scheduling), and I use that connection to assess the different energy centers of your home and clear the energy that no longer serves a useful purpose.
Energy Centers?
Yes! Much like Chakras, I have identified 6 different energy centers in your home, and I use this as an organizational tool to help me identify the energies present that are no longer needed, this is also how I clear and bless the home. During our meeting, I will explain everything, and I am certain you will begin to see patterns during our conversation! (Everyone does!)
Does this affect the PEOPLE in the home?
I will not be working on the people in the home, only the property. With that said, I have had reports of people sleeping better, having more energy, and just noticing an overall feeling of “good vibes”.
How often should I do this?
Ideally, you would do this twice a year, once in the Spring, after the home has been closed up for Winter, and once in the Autumn, before closing it back up. But I always encourage you to do what works for you! If you only ever do it once, you will still get a great benefit from it!
Is this the same as saging?
This reaches a little deeper than sage, because this work is vibrational in nature, I can clear the whole home, and clear places that smoke just doesn’t reach. Do you love sage? No worries, it is on the list of things to do to maintain the clearing!

My Approach & Philosophy

I truly believe that managing our energy and the energy around us can benefit not only us but everyone we encounter.  Balanced energy is resilient energy, it creates balanced reactions and ease within our lives.

Whether I am working with a person or a property, I always work with the intention that my work is done in a way that is comfortable and appropriate for all concerned. I also am adamant that I only access the energy of those people and places I have permission to, and that scheduling a session with me offers me that limited permission.

Many people who work on properties energetically often reference things like “negative objects” or “negative energy imprints” or even “negative entities” present in the home. My definition of negative is a little different, for I truly feel that negative is simply “out of alignment” for those involved. I believe that I can assess, balance, and clear your property to a state where these misalignments disappear. I will never tell you to burn a valuable antique because of the “energy it holds”, or get rid of a crystal because it is holding on to negative energy. These things can be cleared and retuned to a state of neutral!


What People Are saying:

As an empath, I’m very protective of my home. It’s my sanctuary, so I’m very particular about what energies (physical or otherwise) I let into the space. The fact that I chose to work with Angie for my property clearing speaks volumes to the level of trust that I have in her. Her joy is infectious and her sincerity cannot be matched. I am so grateful for my experience and I can’t wait to work with her more in the future!

John Mothershead


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